Wednesday, 29 June 2016

WOYWW #369

Another week has just flown past, missed it again!  
After recovering from all the acci's last week, we then went into the Open Weekend at Tyseley Steam.   I managed to get into the gardens and tidy them up a bit - weed and strim -  but could not make it over to the opening.  PJ donned a flat hat worn low over his forehead and manned the car park for both days.  Now we are recovering!!!

My desk this week has the remnants of trials using some of my new purchases.  
We had several errands to run prior to the weekend and a couple were on the same site as Hobbycraft.... had to pop in ....... then, halfway through my selecting, PJ had a phonecall from the Drs (an earlier appointment to have his stitches out was available) so we checked out and set off.  Wasn't till I arrived home that I checked the bill ..... didn't have time at the shop to sort through the basket and put back what I didn't really NEED so ...... ooops!  
The dies were ones that I wanted, I don't have any squares ...... the jigsaw was a maybe ......  the ink was also a maybe ...... then the  ...... well, you get the picture!
The corner rounder punch was perhaps the only thing I would really have bought, along with some other steampunk dies (put into my steampunk box) but when you're in a rush ......
I do seem to be the only one that is bothered by the amount of money spent as PJ did point out that I haven't had a good spend up for ages! (Bless his cotton socks!) 

I have been trying out different patterns on my baby blankets and last night found an interesting site, Little Woollie, which offered a pattern that was just tooo tempting to miss.  
I have managed the repeat a couple of times, it's called 'Catherine Wheel' and not too difficult for me.  
I am now hoping I have enough green wool to complete the blanket.

Thanks again to Jan for hosting the get together - glad that Mr Linky is now behaving ....
Have a good week.

...... sometimes it is hard to take in all that vastness when you first visit the beach .........


  1. I know exactly what you mean by putting things in the basket and then culling it. I do it online too. I put in my basket what I want, then think about what I need. Eventually I buy what I can afford (sometimes not).
    Lovely samples for the baby blanket. I like the yellow one. And the young man on the beach? Is he your grandson?
    Happy WOYWW,

  2. Oh Little Soldier does look a bit worried! Just read back through your blog - good grief you haven't been having a good time of late -a spend was well overdue, and I'm sure you will find a use for everything! Hugs, Chrisx 37

  3. Oh that is such a good picture of the Little Soldier, contemplating the vastness of it all! I think like PJ, you deserve a spend up. Hope the stitch removal wasn't uncomfortable. I don't really have enough words to tell you how much your support and encouragement has meant, believe me though. LOve and thanks.

  4. That is a brilliant pic of your GS contemplating the universe! I remember my eldest running into the sea when he was three and kept on going because he didn't know when to've never seen me move so fast in your life!
    Thanks for the link to that site with the pattern, I'm off to check it out right now. Thanks as well for your lovely comments and support, it means a lot xx
    Hugs, LLJ xxx

  5. Hi Christine, LLj's story reminds me of my grandson- he's now 16, lol- on his first visit to the sea. Ant & Beck were both holding a hand each, and walking him into the edge of the sea, Mort was lifting his feet, swinging off their hands and screaming blue murder, rofl. Glad you had a good spend at Hobbycraft- sometimes you can get some great bargains there, other times it's a bit of a wasted visit. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #6 xxx

  6. Lovely knitting samples, Christine, and what a gorgeous photo of your grandson! Thank you for your visit and I'm glad you like my new baby card. It was fun to make and I'm very happy to have Sheba cutting again.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #38

  7. Lovely Blankets, reminds me that I would love to have more kids - if I weren't so old! donna #9

  8. Cute picture. Love your caption LOL... Go you on the spending. sounds as if your husband and mine would get along fine. Bob knows I really only buy what I am going to use... well, most of the time. LOL But he has his vices so we are a good match. Creative Blessings! Kelly #32

  9. It sounds like a good basket full of goodies to me and if you are going shopping you may as well come back with a full shopping bag especially if it's crafty stuff Lol! Happy belated woyww, Angela x 15


I make my cards for sheer pleasure so thank you for taking the time to comment.