Wednesday, 27 July 2016

WOYWW #373

This is What'sOnYourWorkdeskWednesday - if you want to find out more then checkout the WOYWW tab at the top of the page - and our thanks go to Julia for hosting this weekly meet up.

Please excuse the lateness of my joining the party, it's been extra busy this week.... more birthdays .....meeting up with Darnell et al  (super time, short but so very sweet) ...... catching up with the Railway Garden .....excuses, excuses!!
So my desk has the remnants of the work being carried out BEFORE  the birthdays hit in!  
I was making several ATCs for swaps and more importantly .... I was organised!!!  I had a list of designs, indicating which stamps to use ..... I managed to make two, although there are several on the left of my desk, only two are suitable (in my opinion).
Now I have moved onto using the film strip stamp ... I know what I want to do, I know how it is done...... when I do it .....hhmmm.  This one will not be used so I shall have to start again.  
I only hope that I can spend most of my weekend playing.
Until then my friends, I shall be visiting and exclaiming!  Stay safe ......

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

WOYWW #372

Ho! Ho!  Welcome back Julia!  I do hope you can cope with us all invading your space ...... I can just imagine you sitting there while we all surround you with our love.....

Jan .... It isn't that we don't love you .... it's just that it's good to be home again!  I'm sure you're there .... ready to catch Julia if she falls down underneath all of our love ......

So here's my desk ....

I ordered a few items from CraftStash, see them on the left, and then I received all the items on the right for free!!!!
I am trying not to spend too much at the moment what with all the July birthdays in my family, but this was too much to resist.
The bicycle die has come free with a magazine and is not yet filed.
I shall be spending a few days filing and I may even get round to trying a few items out!

We had a super day for PJ's birthday, everyone fed the ducks, ran around the grass, climbed on the ferry, had lots of things to eat......

..... and at the end of the day .....

Real good birthday ...... which finished on Sunday at a family meal where PJ was presented with a voucher to be a Zoo keeper for the day at Dudley Zoo.  All good.
I hope to blog all the details over on my Recollections Blog later on.
Have a good week everyone and I will catch you later ..... when it cools down a bit.......

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

WOYWW #371

I am scheduling this post as Wednesday will be busy .... I hope. 
I am also hoping that Jan will still be hosting, and that Julia is still recoup  recoupera  recouperati  getting better.  In which cases - thank you both both for helping us to have a weekly get together - details can be found on the tab at the top of the page.

My desk ..... that's if it stops raining!!!

Today is PJ's birthday so.... if it stops raining ....

....... we will be here.....

.....Doing this.....

.....don't ask me!?!?!  

Out of the blue he decided he wanted to feed the ducks on his birthday ...... at Stratford.

.....I hope we'll be visiting these .....

.. if it stops raining of course!

You all have a good week, I'll be round to visit later when/if we arrive back home after a lovely day out!

Sunday, 10 July 2016

July Birthday

I wanted to include the chickens on PJ's birthday card .... they have been a focus in his life for some time.
Once I found the chickens on A Day for Daisies Blog I knew I had found one set of elements for my card.  I went into the shop but couldn't find them anywhere so I emailed Customer Services explaining how I had found the chickens on the blog but could not find them in the shop.
Within hours I not only had a reply with a link to all three chickens, but had bought them and printed them out ready to use!  The best Customer Service!!
I printed out lots of copies of the chickens as I wanted to make their pinnies out of different papers.  I spent several hours over several days, cutting and colouring all the elements. 
I cut out the number 0 from a grunge paper with technical drawings, the 7 from a kitten paper.

Once the card was 'complete' I realised that the chickens were not going to be happy on this card! 
Then I added an acetate cover ...... the chickens were quite happy to sit upon this ..... so I tied a raffia bow along the fold line.  Finished.

So here is the card .....

It is difficult to get a good picture of the chickens sat upon the acetate, I popped the acetate open with an eraser, don't know if it works but it's the best I could manage. 

Don't know if this is any better?

Hope PJ likes it. 

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

WOYWW #370

Thanks to Jan for hosting again - amidst everything else.  
What's it all about?   Check out the tab at the top of this post ......
My desk this week has my latest ideas for cards and ATCs.  
I have just finished ATCs (can be found here) for a Challenge and now have two of the images printed out ready to make a card.  My humble paintsets can also be seen - nothing posh round here ...... left over kids paints although I do have tubes of paints waiting in the wings, as it were.  I am hoping to make some feminine Steampunk ATCs later, so the digis for those are also printed out .... to be coloured in shades of pink and purple .....
At the top left there are also some cards waiting for the July birthdays' posting dates.

I have some 'stackers' to give away but, unfortunately, cannot afford the postage (they weigh 90grams without stamps etc.).  I have a PayPal account so if you are interested in having a few let me know and we can see what we can sort out.  They have been hanging around for a couple of years now and we really need the space .... if we can meet up somewhere convenient to us both (in England) then they will be totally free!!!  Well, maybe the price of a cup of coffee! 

That's it then, hope to get some visiting in before the little soldier arrives, see you later .....

After our meal last night we found the Art Shop in town was still open so managed to pick up a few really neat brushes ....... they have a sale on at the mo ...... can't wait to start painting ...... 'tomorrow, tomorrow' she sings to herself!