Leaving the house so early in the morning, going goodness knows where, wearing the sunglasses, we were off to meet fellow Bloggers! This was a day that was a long time coming .... and I was sooo excited!!!
I had packed what I thought I would need in a large basket, made the toast, sorted the route so off we went. We travelled through the rain, through the sunshine, realising an hour or so later that I had forgotten my watch and neither of us had brought the toast!!!
We arrived a little early but as we parked up as little hand waved in our direction through the window. We sat waving back and then PJ said - if we run fast enough we won't get too wet ..... and he was right!!!!
As we entered into the hall, Shaz was there to greet us along with Lunch Lady Jan and Queen Julia.
I said Hello and just wanted to jump up and down excitedly!!
I looked around the hall, oblivious of all and sundry. Empty tables and chairs, soon to be filled, I was sooo excited - did I say that?!?!?
People soon started to arrive and the tables filled. After a hello and welcome from Lunch Lady and Julie, we were off ..... talking, chatting, moving, laughing, painting, stitching, beading ...... ooooh! it was all going on!
donated stash on tables |
Then suddenly .. it was lunchtime!
Food was laid out on more tables so we filled our plates and moved to the other side of the room to eat.
Then we all moved back to the work in progress .....
Julia had kindly lent her Big Shot, which was on one of the centre tables, along with several dies and embossing folders ....
lots and lots of dies and embossing folders!!!
Cindy was making banners ......
Maggie was very patient with me, explaining how she created such wonderful pictures .......
Helen sat beside me, creating a journal before my very eyes .... about Paris!!!!
I was mesmerised by her working ......
and here we all are!
All thanks to these two lovelies .....
They can never be thanked enough
I have to show you this photo ...... so lovely. They both were .... Shaz just as colourful and creative as I expected .... and Doug .... sitting to one side for hours sorting out PJ's laptop..... many more thanks are due here.
You might know I would be hugging the food lady!!!?!?!?!?!?
PS Several of these photos were taken by other attendees, most by
Mr Lunch Lady Jan.