Wednesday, 3 August 2016

WOYWW #374

This is What'sOnYourWorkdeskWednesday - if you want to find out more then checkout the WOYWW tab at the top of the page - and our thanks go to Julia for hosting this weekly meet up.
Another busy week!  I am so caught up with making Teddies and Baby Blankets that the time just flies by.  I did make time to finish my ATCs and am now moving on to making a card and some ATCs.
I have found one of my Creative Stamping magazines (from last year) so that I can glean some inspiration for my card swap - Summer Holiday Theme.  
The printed photos on the right are for my ATC swap - Bridges Theme.  I joined in a similar swap last year but only used photos of Paris Bridges, this year I thought of using some Birmingham Bridges!

I searched for some photos of bridges in Birmingham and was pleasantly surprised to see such a variety.  The first bridge was built back in the 1800s and still stands in Cannon Hill Park, which is much used for events.  The picture below that was built in 1711 and is known as the ZigZag bridge over in the north of Birmingham.  The viaduct bridge is in the middle of an industrial estate which was being developed when the photo was taken. The top two bridges are over one of the many canals in Birmingham out by the University which was built in the 1800s, one of the first Unis in England.  I just love the photo of the bridge in the centre of Birmingham, such an unusual angle of a great bridge, again built in the 1800s.

This photo shows the bridge as it would normally be seen.

I must admit that I didn't know we had so many interesting bridges here in Birmingham, I spent an interesting couples of hours researching this theme!!!

I hope to spend some time at the weekend turning the ideas in my head into the reality on paper ....... we shall see.....

Off to make some visits now while Little Soldier is asleep, see you soon and if not ...... have a good week.


  1. Super bridges, amazing what's closer if you look a bit harder. BJ#9

  2. I have always loved bridges, Christine. We have some very, very ancient ones near us on Dartmoor, right through to modern ones. I love your collection of Birmingham bridges. A nice idea to choose a theme like this.

    Thank you for your nice comment - my physio appointment was an education! It is a lot more complex than I'd supposed, but I do have a way forward now.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #32

  3. How interesting! And that's why I never get enough done - a five minute google can take all day! The last bridge is very like one in Cambridge - and of course the Rialto in Venice, I wonder if there was a trend? They'll make really cool ATCS, enjoy the making!

  4. I love architecture. Whenever we travel or I'm just out on a day trip I take pictures. Those bridges are eons old which makes them more interesting. Hope you'll show off the ATCs when they're done. Creative Blessings! Kelly #38

  5. great bridges! enjoy your projects. Helen #4

  6. Enjoy the ATCs Christine - those bridges are great. Didn't realise B'ham had so many!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #17

  7. Hi there I also didn't realise B.ham had so many bridges. Recognise the one from centre of Brum- seen it many times but not really looked at it properly. Must do next time I'm in town. Anne x #20

  8. Well, if you hadn't said that those were in Brum, then I'd have thought they were pictures of somewhere on the fantastic that they're on your doorstep. What an interesting project!!
    Hugs, LLJ 8 xxx

  9. Hi Christine, I lived in Birmingham for a lot of years, and I didn't know there were that many cool bridges!Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #7 xxx

  10. Love the bridge photos. It's only when you start studying this sort of thing that you realise the beauty of them. Thanks for the comment over at mine and happy woyww, Angela x 12

  11. Very cool views of the bridge.
    April #24

  12. Quite often we do not see what is on our doorstep. Glad you have found all those interesting things about Birmingham and now are going to use the pictures. Look forward to seeing what you do.
    Hugs & Thanks for visiting me - Neet 1 xx

  13. Loving the bridges. I always love it when you think there aren't too many and you find there's a whole host of history going on! Thanks for sharing. Take care Zo xx 25

  14. Very cool bridge photos. Enjoy your ATCs. Have a great week. LisaDV #23


I make my cards for sheer pleasure so thank you for taking the time to comment.