Wednesday, 23 March 2016

WOYWW #355

This is WOYWWednesday - if you want to find out more then checkout the tab at the top of the page - and our thanks go to Julia for hosting this weekly meet up.

I have nothing really going on deskwise this week.... I have finished the ATCs so the desk is clear ...ish!

I have also finished the second jumper for Little Soldier, whisked away before photos were taken, and now moved onto Easter.

I don't want to buy a chocolate egg for LS, he hasn't been introduced to that sort of food yet, so I am knitting his Easter present.  With all my cards made and my chocolate eggs bought, I look like I am ready for Easter but we'll see.
I am going to bake a cake for his Dad; he's very partial to birthday cakes so that's what I am going to make ..... or attempt to!!

Short but sweet this week, no time for visiting though - LS day which will now include C.R.U.N.C.H. - hopefully I will be visiting later ....


  1. Looking forward to seeing what you bring to CRUNCH today Christine - see you later x Jackie 33

  2. My word, you are organised - far ahead of me. Hope LS loves his jumper.
    Hugs, Neet 12 xx

  3. I sthat an easter chick you are knitting? if so we are on the same wavelength. x Jo

  4. Wow you are organised and busy! What a great idea to knit the Easter present. Another jumper for LS? You are spoiling him. Hopefully we'll get to see a picture of him wearing it.

    Have a great week
    Sharon K #51

  5. Happy Easter!
    Have a great day!
    Diane - WOYWW #32

  6. Hi Christine, I'm afraid I'm not so organised! But we'll get there! Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 23

  7. You are working well ahead. My skills with yarn are minimal. Wish I could make a jumper. Happy Easter. Thanks for the comments. Peg 70

  8. Interesting yellow yarn.... an little chick perhaps? Don't forget to take pictures of the finished article.
    Thanks for visiting,
    Have a lovely Easter weekend,

  9. Look forward to seeing your make for the little chappie.

    Sorry to have been so backwards in my comments, I thought I had become a follower and then saw I hadn't, I have now so won't miss posts again - I hope.

  10. looking forward to seeing what that yarn becomes. Creative Blessings! Kelly #49


I make my cards for sheer pleasure so thank you for taking the time to comment.